Friday, February 3, 2012

What Does Upper Cervical Care Cure?

Adapted from "Chiropractors Do Not Cure Anything!" by Dr. Jason Watts

Upper cervical care doesn't cure anything; not headaches, not asthma, not stomach disorders or even back pain.  Then what does upper cervical care do?

Upper cervical care is based on a very basic scientific fact.  Your brain is responsible for every bodily function you ever perform from before you were born until the time you die.  Your brain sends those instructions through a vast telephone network (known as the nervous system) to every cell, tissue and organ in your body.  If those telephone lines are interfered with in any way, those instructions coming from the brain can get distorted and the result is lost function.

Your spine is designed to protect the telephone lines.  If the spine has been injured (even very slightly and especially where the head and neck come together) it can become a major irritant to the nerve system, this is what upper cervical doctors call head/neck misalignment (vertebral subluxation).  How serious is this problem?

“Vertebral subluxation changes the entire health of the body by causing structural dysfunction of the spine and causing nerve interference.  The weight of a dime on a spinal nerve will reduce nerve impulse transmission by as much as 60%.” - Chang H. Suh, Spinal Biomechanics Specialist, University of Colorado

“Nerve dysfunction is stressful to the visceral nerve and other body structures and the lowered tissue resistance modifies the immune response and lessens the overall capability of the immune system.” - The Journal Science, 1981

“The quality of healing is directly proportional to the functional capability of the nerve system to send and receive nerve messages.” - J Edwards, MD, PhD., Journal of Neurological Science

Knowing how important the role of the nerve system is, it should become clear how vital the job of the upper cervical doctor is.  The objective of upper cervical care is to correct head/neck misalignment that is interfering with proper brain to body communication.  Considering another medical study which states that 80% of newborns receive their first spinal trauma during the birth process, when do you think is a good time to begin checking the spine for head/neck misalignment?  Perhaps at birth, just a thought.

And at what point in life does it become acceptable to have head/neck misalignment distorting your nerve system?  Hopefully never.

This is why periodic care throughout life makes so much sense.  Not to treat or cure any disease or disorder, but to maintain your nervous system function at optimal levels.  Allowing your brain and your body to communicate with maximum efficiency every moment of your life, that is the real definition of wellness and that is what upper cervical care seeks to provide, not a cure for a specific disease.

When people have head/neck misalignment reduced or corrected and their nervous system is able to function better, do some diseases and disorders and other symptoms go away?  Frequently, but in every case their body is able to function at a higher level.
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